Our mission

People don't read papers

Science is one of the greatest pursuits of humanity. Through science we explain how the universe works and expand the realm of possibility. Science is hard - thinking through and running the right experiments is not straightforward. Because of this, research often requires a large investment: both in terms of time, capital and human resources. Governments and nonprofit organizations provide large grants that fund thousands of researchers around the world study important questions. All this investment and hard work culminates with discovery that is presented in the form of research publications… That no one reads. A depressing investigation in citation analysis reported that over 50% of published papers are never read by anyone except the authors and reviewers.



Papers are too complicated


For the uninitiated, science publications are unintelligible, filled with unknown jargon and alien references. Even for the initiated, though, scientific publication is becoming increasingly difficult to digest. Papers are longer than, with more figures and subpanels, and supplemental sections that can extend for hundreds of pages. This reality results in a scenario where many discoveries are missed, and the few papers that are seen are mostly skimmed, the relevant knowledge buried in excessive complicated information.


Promoting video Presentation

Nearly all graduate students present their work in non-paper format - whether at a poster session, a conference talk, or during their defense. We believe nearly all paper results have been presented in some form of a talk, and that this presentation should be recorded and provided for anyone who is interested. With Science-Bungalow, we're creating a new platform to make science more approachable, by promoting video presentation formats that make the learning process easier for any audience.

Our Team

My name is Xavi Guitart. I'm currently (as of 2023) a graduate student at University of Washington's Genome Sciences department, where I work in the Eichler lab, and study the evolution and variation of repetitive sequence in humans and primates. 

Sources for further reading:

1. 50% of published papers are never read by anyone besides the authors and reviewers: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2058-7058/20/1/33